

フォロー数:527 フォロワー数:8882

( JoJolion Spoilers )
Remember when Caato Higashikata was set up as a character who doesn't want her life to be defined by men, insists she was responsible for the parker's success, hates Norisuke for abandoning her, demands compensation, and is shunned by her children?

14 160

( JoJolion Spoilers )

Quick question Araki.

What's your problem?

39 584

>Downloads your car

45 611

Is it me or Araki be making his lead male protagonist look feminine as hell..barely no angles or soft non masculine features..Unlike the average man. Like *cough cough..Jotaro Kujo…etc. Just saying
Pic from the manga on the left, fan made on right. Hire fans lol

168 1747

( JoJolion Spoilers )
What did she mean by this?

6 136

( JoJolion Spoilers )
Now that we know that Jobin is probably for real dead, it seems really strange in hindsight that it was treated as a gag with Tooru basically dancing on his grave.

13 263

(JoJolion Spoilers
Cinematic parallels

61 742