Radiant Force Productionsさんのプロフィール画像

Radiant Force Productionsさんのイラストまとめ

Radiant Force is an ongoing art and audio drama series about four women who after touching gems change color and gain powers they use to protect Lumina City.

フォロー数:421 フォロワー数:860

If you think that looks good check this out. This is from our series Radiant Force.

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I think you and Rorschette would get along quite nicely. You should see the last time she spent some quality time with someone. She might give you some...self perspective so to speak.

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It's We here at Radiant Force are creating an original series on Youtube. We do comics and comic dubs as well as showcase art here on twitter. Be sure to check out our first episode on YouTube:

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While primarily purple Olivia here does have some pink to her. There is also Velaris who has pink hair and eyes. Hope you like them.

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あなたはとても素敵な芸術を持っていて、優しい人に見えます。 正直なところ、いつか日本のアーティストに私のキャラクターを描いてもらいたいです。 あなたの国には才能のあるアーティストがたくさんいます。Greetings from USA. これらは私のキャラクターです。 ラディアントフォースのレディたち。

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Radiant Force has it's own cast of color characters including one who has quite the large personality.

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For a doodle this is far more impressive than it should be. You have some really nice design skills. Man if you could be a part of our team you'd be amazing. Here are some of our characters:

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She is captivatingly beautiful. A forbidden type of greed going on here. I think she and the ladies of Radiant Force would get along. As they too have a golden side to them.

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アメリカからのご挨拶。 猫の日を祝うために、ラディアント フォースのケイトリン リードという猫の女の子が登場します。 日本の人々は彼女についてどう思いますか? Radiant Force は主にアメリカの視聴者を対象としていますが、アニメやビジュアル ノベルの影響を受けています。

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