A trio of pins for Dorian C. Valliquette of Fangbreaker (@DoomandBloomArt), won over two completely different raffles! I was utterly delighted by the lovely coincidence!
Here we have a duo of straggler plushies from @TheCastCompany1 Live. Love. Pride Festival! We have a custom Chonk’wa for @Ranek_Vilmas and a custom Proud Python for @hsen_ra! There’s also the completed Paper Cut Cutie for @Foxy_Fears, as won by the Charity Raffle!
And lastly, a pair of sneks for the Hearts of Tenacity! What an absolutely amazing performance by them at the Live. Love. Pride Festival!
A great big batch of Paper-Cut Cuties! From the wonderful Serazhen (@saltsparkle1) to their friends Ryland, Tinnaire, and Vixannya (@Dicenne1)! https://t.co/qyIBOwAfiN
First of the Tournament of Ages 2021 Art Auction Slots!
Flat Bust of Mathamar Bayleaf for @vesprite!
Thank you for letting me draw your lovely man! 💚