

🔞}- 🇮🇹 i appear and disappear here, don't expect Crazy stuff , busy most of time working in rl or main project

フォロー数:664 フォロワー数:18370

person said among ass while i was working on something during a stream, so i doodle this while streaming to make that guy twink twice what they will say next time

8 110

just wanted to doodle out radish wanger, rll gotta fucking learn color theory

23 213



with a face like that shes obliusly gonn say no (also my bad i just saw this!)

5 90

i just think it would help building a bit more character on her

23 244

little warmup doodle for on a stream, gotta work on a arttrade

75 572

some foods i did some time ago, decided to color n clean one of them. she rll loves liking n kissin

18 160