

BM/ENG/日本語 💬 I draw ❌ No AI/RP/NFT
🎨 OCs:#miey_oc FA:#GayaMiey

フォロー数:316 フォロワー数:13631

/ unclassified

I did a ginjika of Minoru's cat; Amber for fun LOL. He has that Robin Hood outfit theme going on and he's domesticated 🐱

31 168

/ CrossPatrol

She appears in the future settings! Yoo Ra is her real name and she's the biological mother of Suzukids 👩‍👧‍👦

She's had a sad life...

44 186


Shiho is one of my UTAUs! (1/5)
She's also in a joint story I'm working on now! 😄 Hopefully I can release her beta VCV soonn

113 535

and then when you combine them together😄😄

27 146

/ CrossPatrol

They played important roles prior to the start of my first original story, parents of the bestest kids (you know who)👀✨

87 355

im uploading from my phone but here's the closeup 🤧 i really like how shiho looks here

7 43

[WIP] some other draft sketches (of Shiho and Yura) LOL they are so messy but yes this is how my initial sketches look like

10 80

[WIP] I might be done or not done with them 👀 but I just wanna put the sketches here first ✨

14 76