


フォロー数:77 フォロワー数:308
# sonic3

Remember kids, it was Sonic who went Super Saiyan Rosé first.

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Here is what the ending screen would look like

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Weird how some of the FF Special endings have some punctuation marks removed when compared to Neo Geo. And some backgrounds were edited, but some weren't.

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Today's update is a page about Earnest Evans trilogy odds & ends I couldn't put anywhere else. Highlights include what's possibly the only Earnest & Annet commission art in the world (thanks !) and "Dangerous Heart":

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Unsurprisingly a lot of the strange magazine fan art is Sonic related. Flipp the Penguin could be DLC for Sonic Mania

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An early screen from PC Engine Castlevania, showing a larger rock monster in the first level. Its sprite was changed for the final game.

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Krizalid did it better :)

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The narrator claims Nanto Suicho Ken has "graceful movements". THIS IS A LIE

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