

Blue Archive Translations
※EN🆗 / KR🆗/ Still learning JP

FOX Platoon, Rabu, KEI, and Kasumi have my love, but only Makoto has my heart

フォロー数:76 フォロワー数:20211

EN Translation by

Artist comment: A manga about Fem-Sensei and Wakamo's absolute trust in each other

I love when Senseis have a cool moment


11 60

EN Translation by

Doesn't that ninjutsu technique require a human sacrifice?

영어 번역!
유메선배를 그리실 줄은 몰랐습니다.
매번 나를 놀라게 해!
다음에 보자!

23 137

EN Translation by

Forgive me Hifumi,
Don't let your inner Faust come out!

영어 번역!
아직 저에게는 일어나지 않았지만 방금 언급했기 때문에 내일 일어날 것입니다...
다음에 보자!

97 476

EN Translation by

Aris stop blaming your sister
You can't fool mama Yuuka
(Would KEY/KEI be the older or younger sibling....?)

영어 번역!
마지막 만화 번역을 잊은 것 같아요...
(히요리와 미쿠에 관한 것이었나요?)
내 잘못이야!
다음에 보자!

16 85

EN translation by

No dessert is safe from Natsu.

영어 번역!
다음에 보자!

18 106

EN Translation by

Poor Yuuka, the greatest threat to her was on her team...

영어 번역!
불쌍한 유우카...
저 빵들을 보니...
지금 파리바게뜨 가고싶다..
또 다른 훌륭한 만화 감사합니다!
다음에 보자!

41 183

EN Translation by

Minori could always just sell that scarf on the Kivotos black market...
Sensei's students would fight each other for it.
She could singlehandedly fund the next 15 protests.

영어 번역!
다음에 보자!

26 135

EN Translation by

You know, I wonder if Hina gets paid for being the chairwoman of the Prefect Team.

The two images should not be related to each other, they are two requests put together in one image. It's not an A -> B comic.

영어 번역!
다음에 보자!

12 67