

More cats & science, fewer guns & gods. Mega-liberal cartoonist who knows the GOP is evil incarnate. Follow my 'toons at ragingpencils.com #TheResistance

フォロー数:897 フォロワー数:817

Today's 'toon: "Cross Purposes".

2 10

Today's 'toon: The other Trump outtakes.

8 14

Today's 'toon: "And a great-grammaw at 30!"

12 22

Today's 'toon: (Yeah, I'm a little pissed-off at the GOP.)

6 13

Today's 'toon: "And good luck! You'll need it."

1 7

My latest 'toon: "How to get an abortion in Texas".

5 7

My latest 'toon: You can't protect yourself from a bullet WITH a bullet.

5 21

Today's latest 'toon: "The New American Nuclear Family. Conservative style."

7 13

Texas.. the state of huge boobs. (No, the other kind.)

30 86