

Not here anymore

フォロー数:89 フォロワー数:15577

The Adventures of Public Squad Limbo. That itself could be a thing.

52 492

please stay gone, Space Mom

20 199

MFW they mention Sentient arm weapons after being forgotten for months but not a single mention of the progress of Vauban's rework

4 92

Welp, since Shred's broken, the only useful ability in Minelayer now is Concuss.

1 4

Merry Christmas. Hope you stay indoors and avoid relatives as much as possible.

0 4

The more I use Oberon, the more I feel like I'm playing as this guy:

0 5

Is it just me, or does Castle bear a striking resemblance?

0 3

Sitting here, waiting for Vaub Prime to arrive already. No amount of sacrifice to RNGesus will make him come sooner.

0 2

Today's Concept Checkup is over Vigil; going well and should be out today.

0 2