

Googly-eye-evangelist, 2D/3D artist at King Art. Welcome to my online brainfarts (ノ・∀・)ノ

フォロー数:609 フォロワー数:310

I usually dislike my work but the beige-colored one looks neat

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"one more word dude, I tell ya, I tell ya!"

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first more elaborate clothing idea.. I think I´ll stick with this or something similar

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progressing on sphinx cat character. Need some inspiration for clothing still :/

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todays a weird day for posting stuff

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happy easter ヽ(ಠ_ಠ)ノ

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next character class will be a warrior sphinx cat. Or an assassin.. hm dunno yet

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this semester I´ll finally be able to pick the dinosaur illustration class, yay!

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