

フォロー数:78 フォロワー数:791

hey! this was a quick one but whatever, here it is

4 31

sure! sorry, I left for a bit

but there's a humanoid slimecicle holding himself

4 35

tysm!! <33

here's krinios

7 51

I don't usually like to post wips, but eh, whatever.

6 122

I'm glad y'all seem to like Klaus because I intend on making more fanart

8 64

can you tell i'm trying to keep up the daily paintings?

I'm so occupied with school. I hate that I have to divide myself like this. I want to be an artist, but I also want to get good grades just in case it doesn't work out. It isn't fair. I don't know if I have enough time.

1 31

i' mgonna post this then hop off to bed before i keep going

0 36

i'm testing out photoshop and it's annoying to use without the shortcuts i'm used to

1 43

me trying to keep drawing

0 27

Low quality because they're both screenshots, but I'm redrawing my old OC.

0 25