

Engineer. Selecting and curating pictures and videos trying to add context, source and explanation to science, tech, art and weather topics

フォロー数:200 フォロワー数:2244984

“Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night:
God said, Let Newton be! and all was light”
― Alexander Pope
(born 378 years ago

284 1158

Pluto's projection may be smaller than the whole surface of Australia, but on the other hand it's about the same size as Russia in surface area [source:]

27 174

The Paraceratherium is probably the largest terrestrial mammals that has ever existed: it lived 23 million years ago a and its weight is estimated to have been 15 to 20 tonnes; the shoulder height was about 4.8m and the maximum length about 7.4m

46 289

Sand strikers, also known as bobbit worms, are primitive-looking creatures that lack eyes or even a brain. Despite this they are savage predators [source, full video:]

39 250

Just to make you realize how technology evolves quickly. The IBM ASCI White was the fastest super computer 20 years ago, with a theoretical performance of 12.3 TFlops. The Xbox Series X is a 12 TFlops console releasing this month [source:]

627 2352

A sperm whale’s head is actually an oversized nose (which in mature males can make up a third of the animal’s body!). Sperm whales use their uniquely shaped nose to generate sound. Here’s how:

31 200

Billed as the world’s largest open access digital archive dedicated to life on Earth, the Biodiversity Heritage Library has at least 150,000 illustrations available for free download in high-resolution files [read more:] [site:]

126 566

The human eye is pretty amazing, but these brilliant infographics by Randy Krum show some things it cannot do, like see ultraviolet light or detect details at a great distance. This is how animal see the world and what non human eye can see [more:]

19 110

Scientists create first conducting carbon nanowire, opening the door for all-carbon computer architecture (rather than silicon), predicted to be thousands of times faster and more energy efficient than current silicon-based systems

147 496

People often confuse the positions of knee and the ankle in most animals. Counscious of this, illustrator Satoshi Kawasaki imagined what would happen if human legs were drawn using animals' skeletons as a base.
[human -> dog -> horse -> flamingo]

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