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In February 2022, sea ice around Antarctica reached the lowest extent ever observed since the start of the satellite record in 1979. It marks the first time that the ice was observed to shrink below 2 million square kilometers [read more:]

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For the second year in a row, drought has parched much of the United States from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Coast, following one of the planet’s warmest years on record, and with precipitation this year well below average in the western U.S.

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Earth’s global average surface temperature in 2020 tied with 2016 for the warmest year on record, according to an analysis by NASA. The globally averaged temperature in 2020 was 1.02°C warmer than the baseline 1951–1980 mean

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Australia has experienced its warmest spring on record, hitting a mean temperature of 24.53°C, which was 2.03°C above the long-term average. The season began with record warm temperatures in September and finished with an heat wave at the end of November

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As the United States moves into the last weeks of climatological summer, one- third of the country is experiencing at least a moderate level of drought. An estimated 53 million people are living in drought-affected areas

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The 2019-20 winter in Europe was the warmest on record. The spring was warmer than normal, with an historic heat wave in May. The forecast for summer 2020 is not looking much better. For the third year in a row, Europe is facing potential water woes

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