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フォロー数:272 フォロワー数:5079

Lego Monkie Kid AU "The Fangs" (Pt 1)

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You're keeping up I see. Well, it's a big world and it's only getting bigger.
And if you want to be the best then you've got to beat the best.
Ain't nobody coming when you make the call
'Cause every man's gunning for the first to fall
Fill the bucket till the well runs dry

13 154

When you're counting down the minutes, adding up the hours given
Remember the fact, the fight ain't over just because you think you're finished
When you hear the whistle blow, only the weakest go home
Like their pain don't put food on their plate

10 177

Been working to the bone, been burning both ends
Trying to make them meet before we're hungry again
So it's left, right, left, down, the trail of the dead
And only six feet between me and catching my breath
Only six feet between me and getting some rest
Left. Right, Left.

9 132

(Welcome to the real world kid. You didn't ask to be here but this is where you are.
And this is all you will know and this is all you will do. Follow me.)
Left. Right. Left. Right. Left. Right. NOW!

12 159

Pues nada, ahora soy un mono espacial panzón que come frutas XD Un monito alquimista que dibuja, suena bien.

6 71

Idea random N1
Que buen premio de feria, MK morirá con ese traje puesto porque se ve adorable jajajaja

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Culpo a por la idea de Macaque hablándole así para molestar a Wukong. La cosa es joderle la partida.

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Algunas dinámicas del AU:
-Red Son y Mei tienen algo durante la trama 7v7
-Mk y Mei no conocen a Wukong, pero lo admiran por sus habilidades
-Macaque ha prometido no tocar a Wukong hasta que él se lo permita, pero igualmente lo jode para que se deje

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AU: "The fangs" está regida por una cohesión de demonios; La emperatriz (LBD) es quien dirige todo y ha aceptado a más demonios como "su familia" de entre todos que obedecen fielmente sus órdenes, Macaque es el único que prefiere vivir con los prisioneros como el guerrero que es

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