

Does the funny YouTube maybe idno

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Seems like Teppen is getting another Ace Attorney event, this time featuring Apollo Justice's Game. Guess the first one must have done well.
orrrr they are promoting aa4 for some reason🤔 https://t.co/TwZ3elfxdr

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every few weeks, I rewatch this video to cheer myself up https://t.co/tmklyNMBX6

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she surprisingly gets *some* merch despite being so niche!

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my other favorite trivia is the Capcom digital card game Teppen had a special Ace Attorney themed event, with the English voice of Phoenix in the trailer, yet no one cared lmao

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now if they add a certain other character, we all good :D

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after 4 months of no 5 stars, I get these back to back, its a xmas miracle lmaoo

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it's that month of the year

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