

LOML @nonopleasegodno
Twitch affiliate
Knight of Heart
25, 805
@AreAyyEm (private)
@ramserss on the other one
DMs are open

フォロー数:1582 フォロワー数:223

Proud of how I've been playing so far, over placed my seed in melee and played too my seed in rivals, only bad games were the one on stream but not I got good material to study

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every job ive worked at the night crew suuucked to work with, there would be like 1 or 2 homies 3 MAX

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my first real shiny pokemon, he is my son

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i got red if you want a color reply :) https://t.co/cqtn9943Pa

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my body is so sore from 2 days of skating but i wanna keep skating

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