

En decadencia

フォロー数:580 フォロワー数:107

I think it's better to leave my drawings as sketches and not paint them
or make better well outlined sketches and not paint them: v
Ralsei is entering the restaurant:

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I'm not late right?
sometimes I think about not painting what I draw: v

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C drawing of one of the 2 favorite evolutionary lines of pokemon (the second is the evolutionary line of Roserade) Aaand it's Pokemon Day (i guess)
Ampharos isn't there because I didn't know how to draw it .v

Lo de arriba pero en español :v

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When How
Como cuando :v

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Sometimes when you're alone the best thing you can do is look at the sky

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Very interesting

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Hey don't be afraid to claim something that is yours, since after all it is yours
(me base en tu foto de perfil y pues no tenia referencia de colores :v/)
Psd: me gusta tu estilo de dibujo

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