

(EN/ES) 23 | | I love my oshis ⚡️⛓️🐗🌼📜🐸🪽 | On streaming hiatus AGAIN GRRRRRRRRRRRR

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I was working on some YouTube videos, and these were the thumbnails for four of them. Now, I lost all my progress, so here. Feel free to guess what I was working on. :)

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Well, the program I used was trash, but at least I can say I tried :)

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すごい, 先生! アートに変更を加えたことに気づきました. ほら、行ったり来たりすれば違いがはっきりわかる. 先生、常に上達したいという姿勢は素晴らしいと思います.🩵💜🩷💜🩵

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My man Gallade was done GOOD with his shiny! And Sylveon's shiny is a perfect example of when swapping a Pokémon's colors is done right!

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Currently working on starting a YouTube channel hopefully this year... hopefully...

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Sorry for the lack of activity and art lately! I haven't been able to do ANYTHING as of lately because of my family getting in my way! 😭

I said before that I'm working on starting a YouTube channel, so here's a sample of what I'm drawing for a video. 🙇‍♂️

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5 reasons why Sylveon is the best Eeveelution

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