

MIL-LIMINAL PODCAST OUT NOW! (punk. taller than you. they/them. Texan in Norway. Married to a Snake made of Pixels) I make comics

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It is the annual day of me getting older, but ALSO International Asexuality Day so as an acespec author myself, i once again present to you yearly art of my darling Ace boy, Johnny O’Sullivan 🖤🤍💜

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Sunshine Morning 💛🧡

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Lil moon bat and her sunshine boy 🌙☀️

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They are in love, your honor

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Trying to remember to post more here, here’s some color tests and sketchy no-context concepts for the little Prom horror zine I’m working on.

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I’m making a little prom themed horror comic/zine and finished up the cover today, plz enjoy femme not-yet-transitioned Caro and ‘wouldn’t be caught dead at prom’ Sully. Truer words.

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Short king Cat-Caro is my fave 🐱

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Still laid over in Germany but finally finished my holiday piece for my comic Mil-Liminal ❄️❄️

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HA its true i am taller than some. i feel this too hard! my oc couple have a 5'11 vs 4'10 dynamic and it is SO HARD to fit them both in panels. you will often see me putting shorty on a counter top or something. fave dynamic but a pain in comic work.

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