

🌸 Artist She/Her 🌸 —— Blobs • Armor • Creatures • Pink —— Thanks for checking out my art! 🎏🍄💕

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Started a new painting, its another version of the bow painting I did a little while back. I felt like there was a lot there I still want to explore and don’t feel finished with it yet so I’ve started this one. Im thinking of it as less of a bow and more of a greeting

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I started this this morning and was like “its fine I’ve got time” and then I blinked and 2 and a half hours disappeared and I had 15 minutes to get to work 🥲

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🌸Bow process video🌸

I learned a new word thats kinda a sibling to “bowing” called “genuflect.” It means lowering the body by placing one knee on the ground.

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Sketch of outside the window

Ive been wanting to try and mix the plein air stuff I make with the pink theme, so here’s one sketch of that. I want to try it with oils next probably.

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