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@rinacastillom61 I personally like thriller stories that involve a framed arc, cause it's an extra exciting mystery to find out who really did it and to clear the victim's name.
Best example is the "False Memories" arc in Tiger & Bunny! It's excitement and tension the whole arc!
@PawsOnAnimation Spirited Away! After seeing it last year, I understand how it's considered Miyazaki's best work! It's fun, creepy and magical for all ages. Plus it has my favorite Ghibli Ship! 💖
@PawsOnAnimation @SeanMar75131170 Gosh, there are so many! 😂 My top 4:
@PawsOnAnimation My top two favorite are My Hero Academia and Tiger and Bunny!! 💥
@rinacastillom61 @PawsOnAnimation @SeanMar75131170 Here's mine! 💖 (Sorry for being super late!)
@ColdestPics_ HEY!! Great morning to you too! Hope your day goes fantastic!