

i draw what I like. and I talk a lot. rat is short for ratthew ratterick. Jack of all trades, master of like, one I guess?

フォロー数:224 フォロワー数:190

little red riding hood except theyre a wolf except theyre in the apocalypse

1 9

im intending to do animations for it as well!

2 7

The guy ever… jimmy solidarity… I hope he finds a creeper spawner….

20 63

never done an art train before but i think this is what im supposed to do? tag random people right?????

2 18

character design is my passion (for context ive been getting really into fighting game character designs lately and i wanted to try emulating that style!) these are WIPs, i'd love critiques from mutuals thank u <3

4 47

YES i am going to draw my ocs instead of working on my million other projects. what do you think i am, responsible? </3 anyway this is my little skrungle, his name is robin and i hate him

5 24

old art dump incoming

3 20