

Goddess of my own sphere of existence. Walk my Heart & Soul's path. Healer, Lightworker. Author. Original writing © All Rights Reserved ♥Steelers fan♥ Old cars

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Spirit lives in the heart,
comes alive in the words you speak.
Allow the light in your soul to radiate
and guide you along the way in
your true Divine essence ~ Raven

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Let me, O let me bathe my soul in colors.
Let me swallow the sunset and drink the rainbow ~ Gibran

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Friday tumbles in playing a delightful, fiery, cosmic symphony beckoning the slumbering city to come see, come experience this light ~ Raven

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Open your eyes and heart
to the wonder and beauty
of you ~ Raven

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True Spirituality never tries to control,
constrict or disempower others,
but sends out unconditional love
to all ~ Raven

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Om Namah Shivaya
औं रवेन

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