

A simple Khajiit. Heavy metal enthusiast. ESO addict. Here to share experiences seen in the Elder Scrolls Online world!


フォロー数:31 フォロワー数:280

Rimmen Catacombs..both beautiful but scary! Had undead and daedra going at each others throats..

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Friend Ashjarrin making tea for unwell La'razmirr.

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Well Caska, you are looking at the one who did biggest job in helping put Queen Khamira back on the throne up north!

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Coming across fellow Khajiit in Senchal, hanging out and being silly. Some spectators passed by as well later on. Made a new friend among the group as well.

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Sacrilegious (of Two Moons ideology) island chain in sky from water! This is a horror to all devout Khajiit! Must be removed at all costs somehow!

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A view of the two moons from Alik'r, if she remembers.

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Burn the city. Burn Orcrest to the ground and rebuild it, she says. Maybe not in her lifetime but a future generation of hers?

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Dance positivity with guild friend and alone, which was also rather fun for her despite the low turnout and calls for extras to join with her.

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One of these days, this one will have this beautiful home to herself. It has front yard, two floors and balcony. However, it is way, way WAY out of La'razmirr's buying range. She does not have millions of gold to purchase glorious home in Reaper's March.

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Areas of Elsweyr, not quite near border of Pellitine but wild nonetheless she has noticed. Also, taking a short break to do more fishing again near unusual village Hakoshae. There is no Khajiiti architecture in village!

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