

Just a jester streaming through virtual worlds trying to make everyone smile.

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フォロー数:627 フォロワー数:336

It's fine my friend mighty helped out don't worry about it. Although somehow it's turn into a bad day a bit I think the grandpa is having one of those days.

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Happy Birthday Buddy now go and kill things

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I'm not jealous that a my pal doggo got a gfuel from them as a encouragement. Your the jealous one...

(still have no idea what its like but all I know is they have the nemesis tea flavor thing and I love tea and that's honestly the only reason I'm so jealous...so damn)

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Yes they do which is why I shall always support them till the end plus they was very nice to me when I met them in vrc in the old days. So that is another reason why.

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Honestly I would say this is totally unacceptable for a person to do this to any artist. So I'm on your side with this so I hope they finally stopped I wish the best for you smol as always.

P.S. here is a hug I hope this helps cheer you up a little your an amazing person.

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Alright now for my annual good night to everyone love you all! 💕💕

Also nuzzles for cause the mouse deserves all thy affection.

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Imagine the worker turning into dante and replying back walking towards you like "this is a damn McDonald's" XD

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So I will be damned if I let a situation like this bring me back down I may be odd and weird but this oddball is gonna help as much as possible help everyone get through everything. If I'm ever down again just remember I always come back up stronger than ever. Love ya all

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