RealD 3Dさんのプロフィール画像

RealD 3Dさんのイラストまとめ

Official hashtag: #InRealD3D

フォロー数:1027 フォロワー数:57576

You just submitted! And we concur, mutant fan. 👍🏼

0 0

FIGHT for a free ticket to see We're giving 50 away from 8a-6p PST.

36 34

“RealD was to the 3D movement in cinema what Kodak was to film.”

11 13

Saw in 2D? RT&post your tix 2enter 2win 2 sets of 3D glasses+movie money to see it in 3D! (US only)

44 23

Favorite scene (no spoilers) of RT&Answer 2 enter 2 win (1/2) sets of 3D glasses+more!

90 38

Retweet & Answer 2 enter 2 win (1/5) sets of 3D glasses!: What’s the best reason to see

154 87

Retweet to enter to win a set of 3D glasses+more! (5 winners, US only). See Friday!

439 136

Who will you see with? Answer & RT 2 enter 2 win special edition 3D glasses+more! 5 winners today!

146 74

Enter to win Ltd. edition RealD 3D glasses from our friends !

25 38