

I create stupid videos on Youtube. Patreon: goo.gl/4L4jjS

フォロー数:580 フォロワー数:24101

Video coming sooooon ifyoutubedoesn'tdemonetiseitbutit'sallcensoredsoitshouldn'tbebutiftheydoIwillkickuparealstinkify'knowhatI'msayin

24 326

This was the highest rated name/s as of the making of this image. There were some other good names too, and some that were good but not funni.

24 259

Can I put this new OC here
And can top comment name her pleas (Something funni pls)

37 425

I guess the YouTube-FBI figured out I was catching on because now I suddenly have ads on the video. Very fishy indeed.....

35 445

OOooHH I did the optical illusion thing - The pads are the same color, ooOOOooOOOooOOooOOooOHhhHHHhHh

32 364

Nothin much to update you guys on other than I'm workin on two videos. Both are RS epsiodes~! (WIP Thumbnail art)

18 257

I'm creating some emotes for twitch, are there any moments, characters or items you'd like to see as one?

18 246



The lovely lil lake trio

40 289