Second World War tweets from 1940さんのプロフィール画像

Second World War tweets from 1940さんのイラストまとめ

I livetweet the Second World War as it happened on this date in 1940, & for five years to come. Third time's the charm.
Alwyn Collinson, [email protected]

フォロー数:969 フォロワー数:583523

Three years to the day after Germany launched an invasion of the USSR, Red Army have begun Operation Bagration: a huge offensive in east Europe, aimed at enveloping & crushing German Army Group Centre.

106 654

On Valentine’s Day, Americans exchange cards with loved ones separated by war & distance- including these military themed ones lamenting the “draft that blew you away from me” (military conscription).

37 231

US Army maps show the last month of war across the world, from American island-hopping in the Pacific to Red Army advances in Ukraine & Estonia. They also mark German encirclement of the Allied bridgehead at Anzio, Italy:

52 367

"Why die for Hitler?" Allied planes are dropping leaflets over southern Italy urging Italian soldiers not to fight, warning Germany is using "Italy as a shield against the overwhelming superiority of the United Nations".

81 497

Both Axis & Allied nations are struggling with severe labour shortages, as working-age men are conscripted into armed forces. From Australia to Canada, women are being recruited into factories to keep industries going:

39 232

American territory in Hawai'i & Alaska have both been bombed already by Japanese planes, but this is the first aeriel assault on an American state.

34 233

All American citizens are being asked to spend 10% of their income buying war bonds: US government is seeking to raise huge sums of money by voluntary subscription rather than taxes.

93 484

Norwegians refuse en-masse to support the Nazi war effort, & resist SS effort to recruit a "Norse legion" to fight Communism in the USSR:

44 279

RAF have set Lübeck ablaze, with medieval timber buildings burning like a beacon to guide more bombers; half of the city has been destroyed.

32 187

In Rzhev, west of Moscow, Red Army have hurled over a million troops against a fortified pocket of German defenders, incl. dropping paratroopers who are now stranded behind Wehrmacht lines.

46 249