

Fluffy Tail Enthusiast! Mofu Mofu~

Check out my Fluffy Tail Bot @MofumaticBot!

フォロー数:592 フォロワー数:459


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I hope has been doing alright.

I haven't checked up on it in the past 2 weeks.

Thing is, there are some lewder images that can possibly be posted.

So I'm always a bit worried that I won't be there to delete them, if they happen to be posted.

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🎉 Mr.Mofu's Favorite Fluffs of the Week Thread! 🎉 B O N U S 🎉

(Week : 07.06 - 13.06.2021)

A Smoll Bonus

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🎉 Mr.Mofu's Favorite Fluffs of the Week Thread! 🎉

(Week : 07.06 - 13.06.2021)

But hey, for that ya getting a double post today!

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🎉 Mr.Mofu's Favorite Fluffs of the Week Thread! 🎉

(Week : 31.05 - 06.06.2021)

I'm super sorry. This one is 2 weeks too late. The last few weeks where just uhg. Took what was more or less an internet break and entirely forgot about this thread.


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Pants hide fluffy tails. They are litterally evil.

Pantsless is justice. Do it for the Fluffy Tails!

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That truly does put a new meaning on the phrase 'Suppression of a Minority'.
Since yours already is quite a minor

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Due to that event, I decided to distance myself a bit from Discord and Twitter.

I think I'm feeling well enough again to return to Tweeting regularly!

As for my Discord friends, I'll also soon return to the regular messaging again!

Just know that I'm doing alright atm!

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🎉 Mr.Mofu's Favorite Fluffs of the Week Thread! 🎉 B O N U S 🎉

(Week : 24.05 - 30.05.2021)

Bonus GIF

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🎉 Mr.Mofu's Favorite Fluffs of the Week Thread! 🎉

(Week : 24.05 - 30.05.2021)

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