The Imperfect Mr.Dee🔞さんのプロフィール画像

The Imperfect Mr.Dee🔞さんのイラストまとめ

Name's Dee, sometimes Spade.

Casual Gamer: MMOs, RPGs, Rougelikes & Party Games || Hobby Artist || Cartoon Enjoyer || Aspiring VA || Loser, baby! || 27y…

フォロー数:598 フォロワー数:228

Some old junk from my 3DS many years back.

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Sorry so many of my OC ships are Size Difference ft Wacky Little Dude + Big Strong Partner.

I spent the last 14 years projecting lmao

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This 3 and half ft tall wife might steal your wallet. Or your drink, if it's alcholoic.

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To celebrate release day, I'm gonna post a few of my favorite drawings of my WoW characters!

Some of these are really old!

•Dana Roughpatch
•Gizzii Gigagear
•Cozmo Sputtergear
•Rejji Rubyfur

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Hell yea, sweet lovable characters are the best.

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Here he is!

I was like 5 when I directly took inspiration from the Doctor from Cave Story, and he's my first and most prevalent villain. Over the years, I molded him with similar concepts like Black Hat, but there's much more to him I've yet told. ^-^

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