

Corey | 27 | Discord: RecklessPeggy#1337 | Symbolism nut | KyoAni stan | Precure lover | Magical Girl fan | Eupho #1 | Aria | Ikuhara | Symphogear | Neptunia…

フォロー数:1422 フォロワー数:1674

Anything for you, Marvypoo teehee~

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I spent the minute before my birthday watching this beautiful video with a couple of peeps

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Fellas, I think I've officially lost it lmao

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10. Here are a few of the many games I used to play copious amounts of hour of when I was a kid.

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2. Still deciding... Definitely one of these two.

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Omg! More views already than my A-Ko video! I'm so happy ^_^

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People after seeing the ending of the new Kemono Friends 2 episode.

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tagged me.

Tagging anyone who wants to do it.

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I respect your talent as an ultra memer, I won't forget this day.

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Once that happened it made me realize that even I have a chance... Somewhat

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