

he/him. 25 years-old. Talking about wrestling, comics, Marvel, and whatever else. . #BlackLivesMatter. #ActuallyAutistic Anti-British. Taken 2/7/25💝

フォロー数:2228 フォロワー数:1531

So first my negatives:

-movie is too short. Easily could’ve been another 20-25 minutes long
-they should’ve dialed back the humor by like 10%
-that one shot of Heimdall’s son
-the goats got annoying
-Korg is losing his charm
-Gorr needed more screen time
-Valkyrie got shafted

9 133

2012 was a big year for archer representation

5 10

Chris Jericho in WCW/WWE vs. Jericho in AEW

8 22