Redhead Gamingさんのプロフィール画像

Redhead Gamingさんのイラストまとめ

Top quality gaming content brought to you by an overly positive, goofy and fan-focused red head, who just loves to SING! 😁…

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This week on we have a combination of fiery Redhead images & Christmas themed profile pictures!! 😍😍 I also love how creative you guys are with Christmas usernames hehe! 🎄🎅⛄ 

Thank you to: Mistletoxic, Frostymations, Vipe & Mati Bot - great job as usual! 😁

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HonorPhoenix is back with some more art!! 😁 I'm not quite sure what this referencing but the character looks a bit like Link hehe! 😊 Looks really awesome as usual, and great to hear you're hopefully going to be getting a drawing pad 😋

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Well we've certainly had some interesting fan art this week!! 😂😂 We have Solar Fart, a Zomboss who looks like he's extremely hungry for some thanksgiving turkey & a very sad MasterLord!! 😂😂

Thanks to: The Purple Fin, An Unpopular 80s & Toxic 

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This week's Redhead Gaming fan art has been awesome, some really great pieces by you guys!! Also Person-Guy-Thing is in biiiiiiig trouble for running Cakehead Gaming over with his car!! 😂😂 

Thanks to: Solider Main, Hockykid1, The Purple Fine & Honor Phoenix 😊

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Dave the Fave on Discord has been continuing the PvZ Monster Mashing, and created some awesome mash-ups!! 😁 I think my favourite is the one of Oak re-imagined in more of a Z-Mech style! 😊

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As it's Halloween is this week, in Friday's stream instead we are going to create BATTLE FOR NEIGHBORVILLE MONSTERS in Photoshop!!  If you want to take part, check out the Discord server for more info!

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HonorPhoenix has been killin' it once again with his epic artwork!! He even did a short speed art video on his YouTube channel if you want to check it out 😁 Great job dude! 😊

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This week on Fan Art Friday we have some very SPOOOOOOOKY pieces of Redhead Fanart - we have Pumpkinhead Gaming, Ghosthead Gaming & Weirdhead Gaming!! 😁 🎃👻 

Thanks to: TeamWolfySoupy, Lucky Luke & Wolfboy

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Today on we have a collection of awesome artwork from a variety of games!! Once again guys, you have gone a fantastic job here!! 😁😁  

Thanks to: Dyst0pianFutur3, DaveTheLawnOfDoomFave, Tha-Blu-Guy & Hop Yop 😊

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HonorPhoenix has been at it again, creating awesome illustrations for members in the discord server!! This time we have drawings for Cn9Z, Beebo & TWS 😁😁 They look great as always! 😊

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