Jeremy Mannさんのプロフィール画像

Jeremy Mannさんのイラストまとめ


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フォロー数:8 フォロワー数:275

Some sketches of the squirt while she snorts in her sleep - from someones's Collector Editions (now discontinued)

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Tomorrow Night the hosts its biggest exhibition to date:The 10th Anniversary Exhibition. Humbled to be hanging amongst the giants of inspiration, many of whom will be in attendance for the public opening reception.EL02 - 17 x 24 in. - Graphite on Paper - June 2022

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Reprocessed Polaroid Neg. from the winebox homemade camera. May 2022

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Sa Riera Cloudy Sea plein air - 4x5 inches from the July painting trip to Costa Brava with and and a polaroid from the cigarbox camera.

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Reprocessed Polaroid Neg. from the winebox homemade camera.

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Fading light and fickle beach people. Evening Plein airs on Barcelona Beaches from the July workshop.  Three paintings for the November Solo Exhibition with

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"Figure in Ice and Greys" - 8 x 8 inches - Oil on Panel - Dec 2021 - from the January BLOOM exhibition with Maxwell Alexander Gallery

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Graphite on Paper, 19 x 24 in. April 2022, Principle Gallery.

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Thank you. Over $12,000 raised this weekend for Ukraine. Totalling over $41,000 in aid we've raised together so far.. and more to come if I can. Meantime, here's some work on view currently at the impressive "Gravitas" exhibition at Evoke Contemporary in Santa Fe, NM.

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