

Here to have fun & talk about films, TV, and gay things. Host of @abiteofpod | Dorian Awards/GALECA Critic Member

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We just need Sam Alexander to complete this trinity 😭

34 166

This weeks
Sue Storm VS Wonder Woman

Can Diana princess of the Amazons defeat the matriarch of the Fantastic Four or does she get stopped flat by a force field.

10 72

Ms. Marvel
Kamala Khan is one of Marvel's premiere new characters. Her Inhuman shape shifting abilities and true believer enthusiasm for being a hero have already secured Kamala's status as an A-lister.

4 10

Cindy Moon answers the question, what if the spider that gave Peter Parker his powers bit someone else before it died? Cindy was hidden in seclusion but has since broken out of hiding and spins webs with the best of them.

2 4

Simon Baz
A new Green Lantern and the yin to Jessica Cruz's yang. Not only has Simon overcome great fear, but he's also overcome great oppression and difficult odds.

2 6

Dante Pertuz thought he was just a normal dude until exposure to the Terrigen mists unlocked his fiery lava powers. His every man perspective interestingly contrasts the alien grandeur of the Inhuman royal family.

2 6

DCs Speedsters are either boy scouts or monsters, but Godspeed (August Heart) is an interesting, anti-hero example. The fact that August is Barry's ex-partner only complicates their relationship further.

1 8

Djinn is a new member of Young Justice. She's a genie whose vast mystical powers are limited by being bound to an enchanted object. Phenomenal cosmic power, itty bitty little ring in this case.

2 8

Kid Gladiator
Or Kubark, is almost as mighty as his father Gladiator, but he's got none of the responsibility or good judgment. He's all about adventure and fun....not so much maturity.

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