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I thought the tribal/tech design was kinda neat, but pretty forgettable besides that.
She felt like the female version of the "Generic white male video-game protagonist" people complain about.

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I'd be fine pushing that back *maybe* an arc or two, but it would've been so much better for the series looking back at it.
It's not even like Goku would have to disappear forever. They travel to the Other Side all the time and have Force Ghost stuff

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Well that's just not fair 😠

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Astolfo "I'm not doing okay" HL

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Spent the last week watching the (remastered?) season 1 and all of season 2 (+season 2 part 2?) 😖
Had a few minor complaints, but really liked it! 😃

Something simple as confusing titles or stretched out release dates can kill a lot of the hype, sadly 😔

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"Wow that's sooooo cool, hubby! You're such a little smarty pants~ Would you mind explaining the evolution of the fusion system throughout the SMT games to me again?👉👈😊"

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Those people clearly dumb-dumbs 😠

Now what's your plan for a Mars base and what's the name? 😮 (No femboy ethno-state. That's cheating!)

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