//=time() ?>
Hello, lads.
Today is Tuesday and the 8th, so it's Daiyousei Day, Belated Rumia Day and Nazrin Day.
#DaiyouseiDay #BelatedRumiaDay #NazrinDay
Hello, everyone.
Today's the 28th and Friday, so it's Ellen Day and Curry and Murasa Day.
It's also International Hamburger Day, Don't Fry Day and National Wig Out Day.
Have a happy.
#EllenDay #CurryAndMurasaDay #InternationalBurgerDay #DontFryDay #NationalWigOutDay
Have you donated to my shrine?
Oh, you haven't? Interesting.
But here you are, living peacefully and being uneaten, reaping the benefits of me doing my job...
Hello, everyone.
Today is the 3rd, so it's Suika Day.
It's also Sun Day and Paranormal Day.
Have a happy.
#SuikaDay #SunDay #ParanormalDay
Morning, everyone.
Today is Sunday, so today is Merlin Day. It's also Red Hat Society Day, National Plumber's Day, National Telephone Day and World Penguin Day.
Have a happy.
#MerlinDay #RedHatSocietyDay #NationalPlumbersDay #NationalTelephoneDay #WorldPenguinDay
Another girl will eventually catch her interest and she'll let you go.