fanart de Stella, una de las ocs de mi compa el @Cenabas1
lo quiero mucho w
@duraznokyun alright, so uh
thanks to @atlas_jpeg for tagging me, here's a little bit of what I do
I will tag @nnuclearlemon for this 💪🗿
oh no, another art trending
alright, I can do this
@cxntu_LEGION @Czar_Does_Art @atlas_jpeg @pholycarpie
(am I breaking the rules by tagging a lot of people? I don't know 😔, but you all are amazing artists fr)
"Mission 1 Start!"
featuring @scott_malin's oc Lucia in Fio's outfit from Metal Slug 3!
I really enjoyed doing this, I really love to do crossovers 😼💚
(and a version with 👓, just because of the character 😩)
#fanart #metalslug #crossover