

It feels like you gotta have magic to get by sometimes. 🐁🐾🐾🐾🐾
||Commissions: ALWAYS OPEN|| Support me: ko-fi.com/remhydragrove

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Here is my last art trade for the day with !! I loved drawing your cutie! I hope you liked the way she came out 😊💕

She was super fun to draw!

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My half of an art trade with !! It was a pleasure to do a trade with you ^^ your character is so cute also!!

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Heres a few I've done semi recently that I really ended up liking 😊

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Saw some people posting before and afters... a recent image I made was actually a redraw because I disliked the old one. 😳

3 months ago now

8 40

Thanks for this artshare ^-^

I am Rem! I like to draw anime arts and OC. Mostly.... oc. 😳

I also tend to use pink a LOT in my drawings. But I am still trying to branch out a bit 😂

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Thank you so much for this ;v;

I mostly draw ocs and anime art. And if you couldnt tell... I love to use pink in my art!! 😊💕

But I am trying to branch out a bit.

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That feeling when you doodle something super tiny in the corner of your canvas... and you like it more than the full piece you are working on. 🥲

This is Rem and his best friend Dexter~

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I'm happy with this because I dont draw shameless OC ship art too often ;v;

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Here is a headshot drawing for !! I adore the look of your sona, and they are just so darn cute.

I hope you like the outcome 😊💕

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Guess what anime I'm rewatching? 👀

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