

Cosplayer & Dog-mom ❤

フォロー数:535 フォロワー数:929

AHHHHH this commission is one of the best gifts I've received for my birthday so far THANK YOU asldkgja;lgj


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Would you be able to do a hungry / drooling kind of emote? :O

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I just got 7 new emotes from the amazing ~ (I know I don't have enough emote slots since I'm not partnered on Twitch, but ALL THE MORE REASON FOR US TO WORK HARDER FROM NOW ON!)

A poll is up in my Discord~ Top 5 voted will be uploaded to Twitch, rest to Discord :>

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Aww I hope you're doing okay! My DMs are always open for you if you need to talk! 💕

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I know life can be rough sometimes but please remember that you're amazing and that we'll always be here for you! Hope you feel better soon!

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Oh god if he held onto me and pulled me back idk if I would've been able to refrain from hitting him

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Thank you, Yena! <3 You're amazing! ;w;

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Sub Discord Hangout happening later today at 3 PM EST :) I'll be in my Discord server to play games, relax, and watch movies off-stream with my subs and regulars! Come join us! ♡

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