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Thanks for the chance! Super late since time has been weird for me, but happy late bday! Here's my boy Long Xue

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Absolutely study work and writing that you like but please try to be creative and personal with your work. You are never going to have what you see that someone else has.

Figure out this stuff in private if you really need to.

You'd never guess what inspired these comfort ocs

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I was not aware it was so time to share some of my trans characters.

Please consider supporting me and my work not only this week but for the future in general.

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I'm just really sick of it. Really scared of what this can mean for others and just the things we can make in the future if everything gets blanket bans. There goes MOST of my ocs cuzzzzzz

oh no he's not 100% human

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I have a good handful and mote than this but the first 3 are leaders and the last is a prince. He's technically a demi-god waiting to ascend but he married into royalty.

The first two are orc royals. The werewolf is a king, and the fox is a clan leader

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