

Brain infected with laser-rot.…

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I gotta wonder if Terasawa was reading bande dessinee when he was drawing Cobra.

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Someone working on Pantheon has a thing for Zambot 3.

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House of Balenciaga, 1951. Hiroyuki Kitazume, 1985.

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The art direction/animation in Windjammers 2 reminds me a lot of Lastman. It throws this vibe like the characters are gonna start fucking or beating the shit out of each other at any moment because of it.

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Maybe it's coincidence, but Morrigan's jet thrusters seem awfully reminiscent of the ones Princess Vi has in Samurai Pizza Cats. Darkstalkers was designed to be more cartoony after all.

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I devoured Oni Press books in high school. Real shame what’s happened to it.

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If I was gonna make a Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi or Beatles style cartoon about YMO, Ryuichi would be the "cool" one, Haruomi would be the down to earth pragmatic one, and Yuki would be the wacky wild card. Their manager would be a super computer that turns into a sexy robot lady.

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If I were to do it my way, She Hulk would have been an animated show modeled after Juan Bobillo's style, but as it is now I'm a little curious.

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Was going through my old comics and dug up Remake by Lamar Abrams. A real delightful twist on the Mega Man/Astro Boy archetype. I hope we see these characters again some day.

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