

freelance | vexel artist | lazy boy | part of @officialVTR48

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happy sunday jesslyna kallista
semoga harimu menyenangkan 🌥️

20 83

selamat hari minggu
ada kegiatan apa hari ini ? semoga hari minggunya menyenangkan ✨

12 28

Umega - Vany - Keisya

"The Blessing Queen's"

Kolaborasi dengan &
Aku gambar

UwU. Semoga suka.
cc :

17 45

"Sunday is your best day. You know you had an amazing week. Time to recover and think how you gonna kill the next one."
Happy Sunday ce 😆😆

27 67

When the age ticks 23, the only path that is worth threading is the happy path, through this you’ll find pleasure in all you do. I hope you’ll have a great year ahead.
Happy 23rd Birthday 🎉🎉

12 33

it's time for 🎨🖌️
the beauty of
yg kemaren baru aja resmi bikin akun tiktok, ditunggu konten2 menariknya ci 😆😆

10 49

ceritanya jeci cosplay jadi utahime, iya tau jeci bukan wibu tapi gapapa lah kostumnya cocok sih
Happy 16th birthday! 🎉🎉
May every sweet moment bring you closer to fulfilling your dreams. And may these dreams make your life sweeter.

31 70

Tambah satu lagi usiamu, tambah juga pasti kedewasaanmu, juga tambah waktumu untuk mengejar dan mewujudkan mimpi. Selamat ulang tahun 🥳🎉

11 35

as blonde elf ✨
akhirnya bisa upload juga setelah berkutat dengan background 🤣
happy sunday everyone

25 87

happy 19th birthday
May your birthday be the special day that you receive all you ever desired.

14 32