

I draw animal people and I draw a comic about animal people

My comic!

Ask box!

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Merry Christmas, everybody!

This pic is the first in a set which is still in the works.

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Rocket Power wiki got me rolling

1 10

I looked again and realized I forgot to include these small white markings beneath her eyes

This is an almost invisible detail that only I care about

1 15

Another character splash for a bit of fun

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A small character intro/bio for Vaya's sister, Sofia.

I was going to do one for her brother Tencha first, but the sketch for that one didn't turn out so good.

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I played The Desolate Hope and drew this extraordinary lad

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With that, chapter 1 is complete.

Thank you so much for all the patience and support!

You can read it from the beginning right here:

Obligatory Patreon plug:

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I have also set up a Patreon page!

Nothing fancy yet, but the option to support me is there for anyone who is so inclined.


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