

I hope you have a good day.


Enjoy tcgs, weeb shit and I'm a scrub at fighting games.

If you do Houseki No Kuni fanart I WILL follow you and love you

フォロー数:805 フォロワー数:66

This game's whole ass soundtrack

0 11

I think most ddd monsters fit the bill.
Did you know gilg floats into a ddd from extra or grave?
That zero rage lets you not tribute for a lvl 5 or higher ddd?
Machinex lets you recycle scalesm
High wave both boosts attack and searches a dark contract if sent to the grave?

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So mickey has become felix the cat?

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I feel you, sometimes you just need some card art or design that just makes you think "Damn this is so cool and unique".
For me it was benghlancer, he just looks awesome

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Dark law: first deck I brought to locals was dark law turbo with 3 structures.

Golem sentry: nostalgia for favorite structure, and it was with me when I cam back to ygo in 2015

Vortex: Badass looking card, super versitile.

Benghlancer: reason to pick up plant link looks cool

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Delayed? You mean announced! LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOO

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That's what big dumb pokes with disjointed hitbox are for

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I play megalith and I'm a snob apathic geology professor, which the main cast needs to visit to analyze some weird rock they found. And to compensate me I'll duel them, and I switch from stoic to super hyped combo player mode, playing with even more pathos than the protag

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