

Legendary Keyboard Cowboy with an 18+ account
I'm a raptor and sergal. Professional Popufur Hater
Man of memes and porn
18+ account
I'll upload my pics someday.

フォロー数:2346 フォロワー数:490

I've got a few of those lying around.
Here's a sample

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Now this character has an incredible fear of death because they know what can happen when they die so they want to avoid it at all costs, even if it means sacrificing literally everything.
This is the character at present: And ascendant draco lich

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Your "primary" fursona/character doesn't have to be static. They can grow and evolve as time goes on as your interests change, but it's a good idea to have a strong base to work off of.
For this example, it's this adopt I got a long ass time back. Rather than stick with it>

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Ask and ye shall receive.
Meet my Griff.

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