

Yes, I'm going to redesign my fursona... some day | Esp/Eng | Fortnite: Furra Loka | Estudiante de: Diseño y Comunicación Visual 🎨🦊…

フォロー数:143 フォロワー数:161

I liked the result, I don't usually draw female characters but for this job it's not too bad

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I saw my mother using a photo of the original painting, so i decided to do a digital version, y'know, I only want she have better Wallpaper quality on her phone!

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What's up friends? Here I come to bring you a pending Request, (now I have 2 left to do) my tablet almost collapsed due to the number of layers I used, I hope you like it

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Okay, well I made a Request from someone at FAE, I'll be honest, it didn't go too bad for me to be my first time drawing dragons, I tried to do my best so here it is

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Here is a gift for hope you like it ^ ^")

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No puedo creer que en diciembre terminaré mi curso de inglés y posiblemente me entregaran mi certificado de que se el idioma pero.....puedo entenderlo la cuestión es la cuál no se hablarlo ni escribirlo bien, ¿Alguna sugerencia?

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