

Straight /17/ 🇲🇽/ Artist/ #RaymanForSmash / Co-runs: @Bloons__Network

フォロー数:382 フォロワー数:193

Once again Ladies and Gentlemen

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Day 24 of posting Brawlhalla Rayman until he is in smash

Rayman arms and legs revealed

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Happy 30th anniversary Sonic the hedgehog!!!(and eggman too!!)

Also to tell that thanks for creating one of the best characters to make my childhood (even if I'm 14) and other people childhood :]

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I am not good at drawing stuff but here's the drawings that i made :]

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Day 17 of Posting Brawlhalla Rayman until he is in smash brodas

Better start running

5 70

Day 15 of Posting Brawlhalla Rayman until he is in smash

Well it wasn't Rayman CP10... BUT we still have one more chance (or maybe another 5 if a third pass happens but maybe not) So let's hope that our boy finally gets in :]!!

3 36

Same but not much
Im still Hoping
I really hope That Ubisoft do at least let rayman in smash if they don't want to do a new rayman game

0 5

Its gonna happen....
I prayed to god before the 15th
Pls God help us

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Day 13 of Posting Brawlhalla Rayman until he gets into Smash

Tomorrow is Nintendo E3 so we among us today

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Day 12 of Posting Brawlhalla Rayman until he is in smash

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