Rev. Matt's Monster Scienceさんのプロフィール画像

Rev. Matt's Monster Scienceさんのイラストまとめ

The Rev. Matt Kessen. Comedy cryptozoologist, founder of Rev. Matt's Monster Science. Wedding solemnizer, half centaur, kaiju hunter, dinosaur tamer. Very tall.

フォロー数:1235 フォロワー数:882

Age of Mammals, day 28: Hoplitomeryx matthei.
Size: 5' long, 200 lbs.
Ecosystem: Italy, 5 ma.
Hoplitomeryx had five horns, which is too many horns, but one of them was kind of unicorny so I guess that's okay.

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Platybelodon was a prehistoric elephant with an enormous lower jaw, once thought to be for scooping up swamp plants, but now to be for scraping bark off of trees, which is much more hardcore.

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Ice Age, day 25: Titanotylopus spatulus.
Family: Camelidae (camels!) (!!)
Size: 12' tall, 2 1/2 tons.
Ecosystem: Southern, central, western North America.
Okay, come on, this is getting weird, not every animal needs a gigantic version. Ha ha! Just kidding! They absolutely do.

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