

20/Male/multifandom/artist, animator and reviewer/parody/eels/won the Glove Games/biroace/wacky/octopus

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Toy Story 3 was stuck in development hell for years, going through multiple scripts and directors

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For A Troll in Central Park, Bluth made the mistake of shortening production in the hopes that it would inspire more spontaneity among his crew. It wound up being his worst-reviewed and lowest-grossing film after Warner Bros. screwed over its release

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Pre-production of Thumbelina was slowed due to seemingly perpetual rewrites that lasted over a year. The original screenwriter had to be fired just to get physical production going, with Bluth writing the script himself and receiving his only solo screen writing credit.

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Wreck-It Ralph went through a number of problems along the way. Originally planned to have been screened before Tangled, it had went through a number of cancelled and uncancelled calls along the way before finally getting the go-ahead

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Tangled took six years, a change in directors, a complete overhaul of its original Fractured Fairy Tale premise, and a cost of $260 million to see the light of day. It currently ranks as the sixth most expensive film in Hollywood history

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The Lion King first suffered from lack of internal faith; only up-and-coming animators or people who wanted to draw animals picked up the project, with most going to work on Pocahontas instead.

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Because of how labor intensive it would have been, Disney sent the animation of the bubbles in The Little Mermaid to a Chinese-based facility that just so happened to be located near Tiananmen Square just as the Beijing student uprising occurred.

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Oliver & Company had a troublesome production at first, having its budget drastically reduced as a result of the spectacular failure of The Black Cauldron, then having one of its co-directors, Peter Young, die barely a month into production

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The Fox and the Hound had many troubles during production. Several veteran animators either retired or died early in production, and batches of animation drawings were stolen, leaving several scenes to be redrawn from pencil tests

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Pound Puppies and the Legend of Big Paw features crappy musical numbers that are bad covers of songs such as "At the Hop" and "Duke of Earl", unexplained design changes to characters from the TV series, atrocious animation, and sub-par voice-acting.

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